Best Stretch Ceiling in India: Materials, Prices, By Berrisol & Illusion Decors
Here all the information about stretch ceiling will be provided like what is stretch ceiling? It’s types, why quality of material matters for stretch ceilings , its price and brands. Our motive is to introduce the best stretch ceiling in India as it is our priority to satisfy our customers with adequate knowledge about it in every way possible.
What is a Stretch Ceiling?
Stretch ceiling is a ceiling made up of thin PVC membrane. It is very eco-friendly consisting of two tracks where we clip it and it conceals the real ceiling . It gives many varieties of patterns, shapes like tomb, circle and designs. It can be installed easily. We need to heat the room first to stretch it and then spread it to the perimeter of the room and clip it to the tracks. Tracks are made of Aluminums and PVC to both sides according to our space. Stretch ceiling can be wiped within 7 -14 days to keep it safe from dust and germs like E.coli etc. Stretching the ceiling can get scratches and cuts so we need to make sure not to use sharp objects on it.
A stretch ceiling is better than the traditional ceilings in many ways as in traditional ceilings we always face some problems of cracking, moisture, leakage and white wash etc. but the best stretch ceiling is prevented from them with other additional features and modern looks.

Why Choose the Best Stretch Ceiling in India?
We all want to choose the best in everything then we also need to choose the best stretch ceiling as well because the best stretch ceiling prevents our space from vapours and water leakage. A good design and pattern gives a new look that makes our environment interesting. The best stretch ceiling will last around 20 years which is going to satisfy us after spending on the stretch ceiling. The best stretch ceiling should be fire resistant with an alarm system to prevent us from sudden unfavorable accidents. Best stretch ceiling can give a very interesting appearance to space and a modern look. If we choose the best stretch ceiling then we won’t regret spending on it.
Types of Stretch Ceiling Materials in India
There are many types of stretch ceilings on the bases of texture, designs, functions etc. Fabrics like velvet are available , PVC(Poly Vinyl Chloride) a thin membrane of fabric , Matte, Satin, High gloss it has high reflecting surfaces, Backlit, Galaxy view of planets and solar system, Coloured , Artwork, Multi levelled, Carved and 3D where an image is created to give some illusions, Translucent ceiling, Berrisol ceiling gives many choices of stretch ceiling where you choose according to your interests.
Stretch Ceiling Price in India
Berrisol & illusion decors have budget friendly prices from low to high according to its fabric, quality and functions, designs, patterns, shapes and colour. We give the best quality at a lower price which won’t affect your budget.
Berrisol & Illusion Decors : A Premium Stretch Ceiling Brand
Berrisol is a stretch ceiling brand that provides us with a stretch made up of vinyl which is nonflammable and can be stretched to our space after heating the room. It provides different types of stretch ceilings on the bases of colours, textures and functions.
How to Choose the Best Stretch Ceiling in India?
If we are spending on a stretch ceiling then our main focus should be to choose the best stretch ceiling. First comes the quality of material used in it then checks its resistance to water , vapour and flame. Stretch ceiling should satisfy our eyes as well as soothing and smooth texture, design, colour and shapes depends on our taste and interests. Always choose a stretch ceiling which is long lasting and easy to maintain. One more thing to be remembered is the brand’s reputation and popularity is always spent on trusted brands such as Berrisol & illusion Decors.